01246 260981

The Loading & Unloading Specialists

01246 260981

Collapsible Dock Shelter

Collapsible Dock Shelter
Collapsible Dock ShelterCollapsible Dock Shelter

Product Details

  • Our Dock Shelters are designed to protect both people and goods from temperature fluctuations and weather conditions during loading and unloading and effect considerable energy savings.
  • The Collapsible nature of this product means the frame will collapse back against the building if hit by a poorly aligned vehicle, rather than failing like a traditional fixed frame design.
  • Manufactured from heavy duty PVC.
  • Standard sizes are 3400mm overall width x 3400mm overall height.
  • Standard Projection 600mm (up to 900mm is possible on request).
  • Other sizes available on request.
Model Details Usablewidth (mm) Usable height Min (mm) Usable height Max (mm)
TCDS 403016 2300 - 2800 Dock ht + 2500 Dock ht + 3000
TCDS 2418 Optional corner sealing pad, 2 required per shelter. -

 Other sizes available on request.